Monday, November 27, 2006



My evil twin brother asked me to write a postface too. He was planning to write more articles, but then he won a trip to the Moon in a lottery. He promised to write a second edition when he gets back, though. In the meantime he has staked me. He returned some money he loaned from me once upon a time. He told me that I'd better give him a 99 % of my winnings for that dollar I got back. Well. I don't really know what a postface is, even though my brother tried to explain it. I have to go now anyway. My brother said that I suck at poker, and instructed me to invest that dollar at a craps table as soon as possible. Yeah, right.

I have some advice to all the readers: Don't even think about following my brother's advice. You'll probably go broke in no time at all if you do. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I wish you the best of luck at the poker table (if you read and understood that last paragraph anyway).


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